There are many types of church leaders. The two common extremes are overtly pious leaders known for threats of damnation and sermons about hellfire, and overly passive leaders known for telling people what they want to hear to keep members from leaving. These two extremes are problematic for obvious reasons.
A good church leader lives somewhere in the middle. The best kind of leader inspires and invites, growing faith and fellowship among the flock. Church leaders are responsible for showing their congregation an accurate, uplifting, and realistic example of what it means to live according to their faith. This means having compassion, showing forgiveness to others, and living according to one’s values and beliefs. This often isn’t easy, and when mistakes happen, a leader shows the congregation how to begin again. Church leaders are relied upon for giving encouragement when things are hard and giving aid to the community around them.
A church leader should live in such a way that he or she reflects these values. This will help the leader gain the trust of the congregation.
Here are five tips that can help a church leader do this effectively.
1. Be inclusive
It’s difficult to grow your congregation if your church seems exclusive and unwelcoming. A leader should encourage their members to embrace new people and avoid being judgmental and critical of others. A quality church leader will make it known that all people are welcome in the church no matter what they look like, believe, practice, or how they live. All people are worthy of receiving love and grace, and a quality leader will reflect this.
2. Demonstrate humility
Acting with humility is one of the most important things you can do as a leader. An arrogant attitude will destroy many a sermon. Conceit trickling down from church leadership will also undermine the culture of your church. By contrast, being vulnerable in small ways can go a long way in building a welcoming, humble environment in your place of worship. An important part of being humble is being a good listener. A leader who talks more than they listen will not only come across as arrogant and dismissive of others’ opinions; they will also be unable to understand the hearts of others and will fail to communicate effectively.
3. Become accessible
Church leaders who are only seen on Sunday mornings or at the head of important meetings are not accessible to their members. Instead, an excellent church leader is one who is accessible to anyone who has need of them. If a churchgoer needs to pray, talk, or receive advice, the leader should be there to engage with them. This is not to say that church leaders are not allowed to have downtime and rest, but a quality church leader will find a balance between their own rest and meeting the needs of their congregation.
4. Do all with honesty
Religious individuals across the world seek to follow a church leader who is honest and reliable. Integrity is one of the most important traits in church leadership and the standard is much higher here than it is in the business world. Churchgoers place great trust in their church leaders; it is critical that leaders conduct themselves according to high standards of honesty and integrity in professional, religious, and personal matters.
5. Encourage diversity
If you find yourself in a church where everyone looks like you and thinks like you, chances are this area needs attention. A strong church leader will encourage diversity in their church, making a point to invite people from all walks of life to hear the good news they are preaching. Ideally, a church congregation should consist of people of all races, ages, political views, and schools of thought to encourage tolerance, diversity, and understanding. A good leader understands that diversity is important in their community and congregation.
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